Introduction to Cultural Mindfulness for Practitioners

Wednesday, August 18th
7 - 8:30 pm CT


This is an introductory class for being a safe practitioner for all kinds of clients, regardless of race, body type, gender, religion or cultural identity. 

Training Details


This class is an introduction to a 6 week class in Cultural Mindfulness.  The 6 week class is part of our 2 year certification program to become a Mental Wellness Coach.  


  • Colonized Consciousness

    Colonized consciousness is at the root of all "isms" and is a trauma we all share regardless of our access to privilege. It is a systematic dehumanizing of all people for the purpose of creating privilege and oppression. It is a world view that is pervasive in every aspect of all of our beliefs and perceptions. It creates bias that makes it impossible to see our clients as they truly are. 

  • Live Demonstration

    This training is experiential in addition to theoretical. We will be practicing together as a group and there will be space to workshop the techniques on your personal issues.



  • Cultural Mindfulness

    Cultural Mindfullness is a practice that honors culture, at the individual and collective level. It is based on consent and presence. Through cultural mindfulness, we create safety and connection that heals divides and celebrates difference. When we are culturally mindful, we are welcoming the whole of the human beings in front of us. 

  • Group Discussion

    Throughout the training there will be opportunities to ask questions and share insights. Make the training personal and relevant to the way that trauma shows up in your practice.

Meet your trainer,

Fatima Mann

Fatima Mann is the Director of Community Advocacy and Healing Project, a 501 c(3) dedicated to cultivating culturally mindful, healing and human centered experiences and policy reform.
Fatima is an expert in cultural mindfulness, healing within organizational infrastructure, and human-centered approaches. She is a trailblazer in this area and curated culturally mindful, healing and human centered experiences all throughout the country. By planting seeds of cultural mindfulness, she provides the tools to embrace cultural competency and inclusivity within practices, policies, and procedures

Both my personal and professional experience of this training has been this massive increase in love and availability of love.

Jayne Anahata



Learn to be Culturally Mindful


Wednesday, August 18th
7 - 8:30 pm CT